Judge: Carsten Birk/DK
Beliz vom Donauvillino got EXC1 & JUNCAC & JUNCACIB & BEST JUN & BOB in Junior Class. Beliz got in honoring place 5 of FCI GROUP IX from judge Uschi Eisner/AT. At BEST JUNIOR IN SHOW only Beliz was selected from group 9 from judge Dr. Darko Drobnjak/RS.
Ivorie vom Donauvillino got EXC1 & VETCAC & VETCACIB & BEST VET in Veteran Class. Ivorie got at BEST VETERAN IN SHOW from judge Erwin Deutscher/AT the second place.
Judge: Linda Voláriková/SK
Beliz vom Donauvillino got EXC1 & JUNCAC & JUNCACIB & BEST JUN & CRUFTS qualification & BOB at her first show in Junior Class.
Ivorie vom Donauvillino got a EXC1 & VETCAC & VETCACIB & BEST VET in Veteran Class.
Martin showed his Zuria vom Donauvillino and got EXC1 & CAC & CACIB & CRUFTS qualification in Intermediate Class. Zuria has now the title “Swiss Show Champion”! Well Done Martin & Karin!!!
THANKS to dear Janine Klein for helping at the BOB decision!
Darja Klevisar / Slowenia
Beliz vom Donauvillino got VP 1 & BP in Baby Class and had fun.
Kerstin showed her Anando vom Donauvillino and got EXC 2 & RESJCAC in Junior Class. He received the title „German Junior Champion CTC“!
Petra showed her Zoë vom Donauvillino and got EXC 1 & CAC in Intermediate Class.
Martin showed his Zuria vom Donauvillino and got EXC 2 & RESCAC in Open Class.
CONGRATS to all of team „Donauvillino“!!!
Dagmar Klein / Romania
Beliz vom Donauvillino got VP 1 & BP in Baby Class at her first show. She was also Best Puppy Show!
Ann-Kathrin showed her Anando vom Donauvillino and got EXC 1 & JCAC in Junior Class at his first show. He got also the title „Oberpfalzjugendsieger“.
Petra showed her Zoë vom Donauvillino and got EXC 2 & RESCAC in Open Class.
Martin couldn’t show his Zuria vom Donauvillino because she limped.
THANKS to all my dear friends showed my offspring!
Judge: Stefan Sinko/SI
Petra showed our Zelenia vom Donauvillino and got EXC2 & RESJUNCAC in Junior Class.
Vincenzo vom Donauvillino got EXC1 & CAC & BOB in Open Class.
Julia showed Petras Zoë vom Donauvillino and got a EXC2 in Junior Class.
Martin showed his Zuria vom Donauvillino and got a EXC3 in Junior Class.
Judge: Olga Sinko/SI
Petra showed our Zelenia vom Donauvillino and got EXC3 in Junior Class.
Catrin showed our Vincenzo vom Donauvillino and got EXC1 & CAC & BM in Open Class.
Evelyn showed her Yukiko vom Donauvillino and got EXC1 & JUNCAC & BOB show in Junior Class.
Julia showed Petras Zoë vom Donauvillino and got a EXC4 in Junior Class.
Martin showed his Zuria vom Donauvillino and got a EXC in Junior Class.
Judge: Hans Erhardt Grüttner/DE
Zelenia vom Donauvillino got VG4 at her first show in Junior Class.
Catrin showed our Vincenzo vom Donauvillino and got EXC1 & CAC & BOB in Open Class.
Evelyn showed her Yukiko vom Donauvillino and got EXC2 & RESJUNCAC at his first show in Junior Class.
Petra showed her Zoë vom Donauvillino and got a EXC1 & CAC & BOS at her first show in Junior Class.
Martin showed his Zuria vom Donauvillino and got a EXC3 in Junior Class.