BJARKI vom Donauvillino lived a wonderful long life with family Pfisterer. They miss him so much and their pain of loss is immense. We share their pain as we have lost his sister BERNIKE who was our sunshine. On Sunday, Bjarki would have turned 18.
“The one who has never had a dog does not know what it means to love and be loved…”
At the weekend we had the Club winner shows from Coton de Tuléar Club e. V. at the Hotel Wutzschleife in Rötz.
We had a lot of fun and enjoyed being together with great people.
Team Donauvillino took part at the two exhibitions:
-> Results
We were at Martina and Norbert’s with Qumaira for her date with Kimi.
More Info: E2-litter
CALVIN vom Donauvillino was the first international champion who was bred in Germany and also lived in Germany.
"There are always traces in your life, thoughts, images and moments. They will remind us of you, make us happy and sad and never let us forget you."
Family Unseld and I had a wonderful time with and thanks to Cally.
At the weekend we had the first shows of the year from Coton de Tuléar Club e. V. at the Hotel Wutzschleife in Rötz.
We had a lot of fun and enjoyed being together with great people.
The Donauvillinos took part at the two exhibitions:
-> Results
Petra and I were with Zelenia for a date with Catrins Burico at Ricarda & Marcus in Bad Reichenhall/Bavaria.